[‘6MONTHS’ Official Trailer – Film]

From Ewan Donnachie:”As you may have heard, I recently released a travel/action documentary titled 6Months.
The above trailer has received almost 90,000 views since being uploaded just two months ago, that’s a serious amount of attention from bodyboarders and the general public alike. Everyone from Kelly Slater to the director of one of Australia’s largest advertising firms have been ‘tweeting’ and re-posting the clip on a range of blogs and websites.

6Months is distributed with Riptide #187, with Custom X US assisting with American distribution of the film. I’m jumping on the Custom X US Facebook page this Tuesday 29th May at 4:00pm Pacific Standard Time (click here for your time zone) for a couple hours of Q&A time regarding 6Months and anything else bodyboarders around the world. would like to chat about. Obviously it may be a little difficult for me to juggle multiple online conversations, however, I’ll endeavour to do my best. I think Custom X US may also be thinking about doing some online giveaways during time, which will be confirmed soon.

Check it out and get involved. You can still get your copy of 6Months and Riptide #187 here.